The idea for this project started with looking at conflicting elements like opposites, for example big and small or old and new. I focused on this while researching in the V & A museum and tried to draw inspiration by looking at the contrasting aspects in each work. There were some pieces of work that caught my attention these included a chest of drawers and a piece of Italian Jewellery.
'You Can't Lay Down Your Memories' by Tejo Remy |
Italian Jewellery |
After having done this initial research I decided that instead on focusing on the contrasts in the pieces themselves I could take a specific shape from them and turn them into something more contemporary in my final idea. Therefore the teardrop shapes in the jewellery piece seemed interesting to work with. I started drawing various furniture I could make from incorporating this particular shape into the idea. I thought my drawings were successful and helped me create a good sense of direction to where my project was heading and also the precise concept of my initial research helped form a strong starting point. Moving on, I transformed these drawings into models made from cardboard to see which idea looked the most successful.
I decided on using the last idea the 'seat sofa' as my possible final idea. I felt the cardboard models really helped me visualize how my drawings would look in 3D and was useful in helping me decide which piece of furniture would best reflect on my work. I think I should have experimented more with these models however to come up with a stronger final piece.
I then started experimenting with materials to make my final piece out of. I wanted to test out the vacuum forming machine as I wanted my final piece to be made out of plastic to give it a modern exterior, therefore I had to make a mould out of clay to be able to make the shape of the seat out of plastic. I first experimented with the clay on a smaller scale to test it out and then on a larger scale.
Unfortunately the outcome was not what I had expected, the clay mould created creases in the plastic while forming and I could not use plastic for my final piece. So therefore I decided to move onto using wood. However, now looking back the creases actually look quite appealing maybe I could have worked with this material and outcome further.
So I used plywood for my final piece, cutting out the teardrop shape using a hegna saw. I also used the sanding machine to smoothen the edges of the wood to give a cleaner effect.
I then had to paint the wood with glossy white paint to give it a plastic effect as my final piece will still be made of out perspex. I also cut out plastic legs and stuck on foil around them to give them a metal effect as my final piece legs will be made out of metal.
I was really please with the last result however I think there are small things I could have changed or experimented on more to create a more successful piece.